Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Berry XMas !
There are those times i have major inspiration blocks, but lucky me there is Wordy to unblock me. Wait ...ok that doesn't sound wrong ...or does it...?...
Anyway, the idea was simple : "Need to draw Miya with an ANCHOR"
At first i wanted to draw some kind of extra cool fighter mode with big anchor (a bit like May in Guilty Gear), but then i thought of an extra sexy fighter mode with small anchor attached to a chain, that idea isn't completely dropped by the way, but then Captain popped in my mind, yeah right : where is Captain where is Anchor, y/n ? Hey i didn't mean to sound ecchi here...right...ok then i was like "how about a 4koma ?"
First 4koma was Captain and Chisa running to give their presents to Miya but would end up bumping eachother dropping their boxes and both of their presents would be something about anchor, but that was complicated by the fact that their presents are wrapped right ? Unless they both don't know how to wrap a present correctly...
The second idea was just Captain presenting her little xmas present to Miya, and in the last panel there would be the anchor...yeah didn't really sound like a good idea...i just felt like i would be the only one smiling here...
Other ideas were some CaptainXMiyaXChisa hugging and Captain fighting with Chisa, but eventually desappeared...where is the anchor supposed to be there ?!
Yada yada, just to say that Wordy's idea beat them all ? How come ?!
Well basically because he has been saying "i want to take those anchors off" like...EVERYDAY...since that set of Rainbow came out...so i hope you are happy now !
Even if it's Captain who is taking them off...
At the time i "finished" Miya and Captain i wrote down "Berry kurisumasu !" so i kinda had to put all the Berryz in, i didn't really think deep there...and since i wasn't really in the mood for coloring and started to feel way too lazy, just threw them all randomly in that drawing...
Ah...i guess i don't need to mention how HARD it was to draw Miya in that bikini orz...
ps : Merry Christmas everyone~
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Trick Tic Tac To Treat
Okay so this time i was in Ruch Hour lol and felt too laaaaaaaaazy to complete the coloring...like always anyway hahaha....
posted that in Miya's thread, but actually it's Buono! ;p
Had that idea since the day i had a snowwhite witch card XD
Hum~ i wouldn't mind eating your momobum in taiwan ni Miya~ah
Monday, October 4, 2010
Friday huh... i had this idea when i was drawing the Chisato Okai one per day dedicated to WonderBoy because he was so feeling down...
Friday also means the stupid ass paparazzi which crashed down Aibon's life under UFA. But actually i think she is better now and i hope she will be happy finding her own way.
Friday is also probably the 2nd best day of a week, because at the end you get free time ! so it's FreeDay !
Basically in France there is a internet provider commercial that goes with "he has free, he got it all" aka "Il a Free, il a tout compris !"
During this summer with some bunch of friends we were trying to find a catch phrase with that and here i came with "I have Free, I have Miyabi" pretty simple isn't it :p
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Did you know, there are two types of clown from Commedia dell'Arte, Pierrot and Harlequin, google is your friend for more informations.
In Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba, Miya sings "watashi pierrot" while looking at the window of the bus she was riding. The pv of this song is one of my fav from BK because there is such a power even without the lyrics.
I'm suffering
Because you're here
I'm so sorry
It's too sudden
I was only thinking
of myself
I'm such a fool
I love you
So much my chest hurts
I'm afraid, but
I've spoken my mind
In Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba, Miya sings "watashi pierrot" while looking at the window of the bus she was riding. The pv of this song is one of my fav from BK because there is such a power even without the lyrics.
I'm suffering
Because you're here
I'm so sorry
It's too sudden
I was only thinking
of myself
I'm such a fool
I love you
So much my chest hurts
I'm afraid, but
I've spoken my mind
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Memory of a Geisha
I wonder what happened but when wordsworth show me this pic i almost laugh... Yurina looks like the perfect geisha, Captain looks so despressed lol and i don't know what to think of Chinami....
Since i have some kind of mind block of inspiration he suggested a Geisha Miya...
too bad i feel like Miya without bangs is not Miya...
Anyway at least i could try PS4...i need to find the new shortcuts XD....
Since i have some kind of mind block of inspiration he suggested a Geisha Miya...
too bad i feel like Miya without bangs is not Miya...
Anyway at least i could try PS4...i need to find the new shortcuts XD....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Happy 18th Birthday Miyabi
So today it's Miya's 18th birthday. Means she is legal in most of the countries of this world. Also means something else on Jph!p...that is the probleme also...means some weird guyz would ask some special access to put their fantaisies about her...i really don't care about all those. i just hope they'll stay correct talking about her in her thread.
So here is my vision of Miya's sweet 18...
The idea was : lovely girl freshly woke up and went to take her boyfriend overlarge shirt and sat down over the windows dreamy...sensual isn't it ? :p
So here is my vision of Miya's sweet 18...
The idea was : lovely girl freshly woke up and went to take her boyfriend overlarge shirt and sat down over the windows dreamy...sensual isn't it ? :p
Friday, August 20, 2010
Yes Tiger year yeah
ChrNo : Hey guyz, i guess it is time to show a pic of myself haha
i've also posted that on jph!p but you need to be registered in there to see this part so i'll just post the same here with the puns, if someone can get them i'll be happy hehe
fucking year of the tiger GAO !!!!
gao ? dog ? nooooooooooo
tron fuuu !!!!!!

* ChrNo meowthes yes that's right !
h2o : wow lol
isn't gao the way your Miyabi does the sound of a tiger ?
Julian : wtf meowth XD
Victor : tron fuuking yah
Hydroxide : really nice shirt btw
Jen : tron fuu lol indeed...and gao, gao means dog in cantonese, and tron fuu means to suffer...
i've also posted that on jph!p but you need to be registered in there to see this part so i'll just post the same here with the puns, if someone can get them i'll be happy hehe
fucking year of the tiger GAO !!!!
gao ? dog ? nooooooooooo
tron fuuu !!!!!!
* ChrNo meowthes yes that's right !
h2o : wow lol
isn't gao the way your Miyabi does the sound of a tiger ?
Julian : wtf meowth XD
Victor : tron fuuking yah
Hydroxide : really nice shirt btw
Jen : tron fuu lol indeed...and gao, gao means dog in cantonese, and tron fuu means to suffer...
Saturday, August 14, 2010
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From: Christian Nott (chr_no_@hotmail.fr)
Sent: Mon 14/01/08 22:07
what i want to show you right now,
it's not the time we spent together that is matter RIGHT NOW
it's really important for me, becuase i know, how you can be to me, you showed it,
a lot of time, without you even noticing it yourself
you tell me somthing,
i tell you somthing
no matter what,
it the something,
that lead us to know,
what we ARE
that's why,
i want you to stay calm.
i know, it's not easy, how many time i ant to kill bighead ? lol
but, as you can see, or not,
this is noimportant,
all i want you ,
is to stay calm
so, we can continue what we were doing before i tell you again to stay calm
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:03:21 +0000
you are not telling anything actually...how do u expect me to calm down?
4 fucking years, and u dont mind talking directly to me...and fw u-r e-mails to a bunch of ppl...
guess it´s no use in trying to talk to u then
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:55:30 +0100
if i tell you if you don't stop worrying, lead you to not calm down, leads you to panic leads you to
how am i supposed to tell you more ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:53:38 +0000
i´m not sending SMS...i´m calling!
and how do you expect me to calm down!?
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:50:58 +0100
calm down,
and you know with your brazil phone you can't evn send sms xD
first of all,
you don't only need patience,
you will need time, keys, calm
to make you understand,
what you will know
not right now,
but later
why i'm doing all this.
i don't want to say it now.
i want you to know, that only loveing someon, doesnt mean you will know everything about the one you love
i know,
you have the answer of this question,
but just don't know that,
you said : I m worried about you.
think about, remember what we said so far,
and think, why
i can tell you to stay calm.
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:47:22 +0000
wtf jennifer
i´m worried!
i wouldnt be calling from brazil if i werent!
turn on the fucking cell phone!
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:44:42 +0100
well, if i could ,
as i said before,
i would,
but why can't i?
that's another question :p
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:43:17 +0000
not fun jenn!
turn ur cell phone on
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:39:44 +0100
if i don't scare you, how do you know what is scary ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:37:23 +0000
ok...u wanted to scary me?
u got it..
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:35:31 +0100
i know,
i can tell you why everyone here, will know everyone,
not everyone can see me everytime,
and there
one of you,
must say something about me,
it doesn't matter what it is,
and you would get your point of view,
of what is happening to me.
so would found it funny,
because they already know it,
since there a lot of poeple i talk to,
well invluding myself
i want to show you here : it's not luck, it's not god, it's not something,
it's because one of us at least has something in commum,
that everyone want to know each other better.
and i can tell you, there is a lot more in commun
that i know, because it's bvious,
but you will find yourself,
i'm an talling you all that rightnow.
it doesnt matter,
it's a game, some people would call it, life, some other , war, some other something i don't even know myself lol
also, i know, that you guys,
can understand each other, without, asking me first why :p
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: forget
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:30:28 +0000
jenn..why brian added me?
he said he is worried...
i´m not sure wot i can tell him...
i´m getting worried
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: forget
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:27:41 +0100
this game must be funny,
but sometimes,
you know that you lsot yourself init XD
when you think toomush about somthing else,
you forgot what you were doing lol
so , expect mail that you have already XD
maybe you won notice it,
maybe you would found annoying,
but at least,
i know i sent it to you lol
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From: Christian Nott (chr_no_@hotmail.fr)
Sent: Mon 14/01/08 22:07
what i want to show you right now,
it's not the time we spent together that is matter RIGHT NOW
it's really important for me, becuase i know, how you can be to me, you showed it,
a lot of time, without you even noticing it yourself
you tell me somthing,
i tell you somthing
no matter what,
it the something,
that lead us to know,
what we ARE
that's why,
i want you to stay calm.
i know, it's not easy, how many time i ant to kill bighead ? lol
but, as you can see, or not,
this is noimportant,
all i want you ,
is to stay calm
so, we can continue what we were doing before i tell you again to stay calm
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:03:21 +0000
you are not telling anything actually...how do u expect me to calm down?
4 fucking years, and u dont mind talking directly to me...and fw u-r e-mails to a bunch of ppl...
guess it´s no use in trying to talk to u then
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:55:30 +0100
if i tell you if you don't stop worrying, lead you to not calm down, leads you to panic leads you to
how am i supposed to tell you more ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:53:38 +0000
i´m not sending SMS...i´m calling!
and how do you expect me to calm down!?
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:50:58 +0100
calm down,
and you know with your brazil phone you can't evn send sms xD
first of all,
you don't only need patience,
you will need time, keys, calm
to make you understand,
what you will know
not right now,
but later
why i'm doing all this.
i don't want to say it now.
i want you to know, that only loveing someon, doesnt mean you will know everything about the one you love
i know,
you have the answer of this question,
but just don't know that,
you said : I m worried about you.
think about, remember what we said so far,
and think, why
i can tell you to stay calm.
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:47:22 +0000
wtf jennifer
i´m worried!
i wouldnt be calling from brazil if i werent!
turn on the fucking cell phone!
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:44:42 +0100
well, if i could ,
as i said before,
i would,
but why can't i?
that's another question :p
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:43:17 +0000
not fun jenn!
turn ur cell phone on
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:39:44 +0100
if i don't scare you, how do you know what is scary ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:37:23 +0000
ok...u wanted to scary me?
u got it..
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: The start?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:35:31 +0100
i know,
i can tell you why everyone here, will know everyone,
not everyone can see me everytime,
and there
one of you,
must say something about me,
it doesn't matter what it is,
and you would get your point of view,
of what is happening to me.
so would found it funny,
because they already know it,
since there a lot of poeple i talk to,
well invluding myself
i want to show you here : it's not luck, it's not god, it's not something,
it's because one of us at least has something in commum,
that everyone want to know each other better.
and i can tell you, there is a lot more in commun
that i know, because it's bvious,
but you will find yourself,
i'm an talling you all that rightnow.
it doesnt matter,
it's a game, some people would call it, life, some other , war, some other something i don't even know myself lol
also, i know, that you guys,
can understand each other, without, asking me first why :p
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: forget
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:30:28 +0000
jenn..why brian added me?
he said he is worried...
i´m not sure wot i can tell him...
i´m getting worried
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: forget
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:27:41 +0100
this game must be funny,
but sometimes,
you know that you lsot yourself init XD
when you think toomush about somthing else,
you forgot what you were doing lol
so , expect mail that you have already XD
maybe you won notice it,
maybe you would found annoying,
but at least,
i know i sent it to you lol
Re : Love
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Christian Nott
Christian Nott
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From: Christian Nott (chr_no_@hotmail.fr)
Sent: Mon 14/01/08 21:41
just proved me again
that you knew it all along !
you just didn't ask you you right questions, to solve the right question
of course, there are a lot of questions, and lot of answers, that
can tell me you know things that i don't, and i know things, that you don't,
doesnt show,
we are dumb, or not,
just show us,
and so,
we are
love talking right now don't you think ?XD
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:21:19 +0000
who know me, and u, and jphip....err...matth? XD
gosh...my head aches...i guess i never really had to think that hard...
you r really having fun with this aint you? XD
if u r laughing as hard as i am, then it´s a good thing...
if u r serious while u write... then it´s not xD
cause i´m really laughing a lot xD
i guess i´m insane after all this thinking...and i dont even get to think anything ... cause i dunno where to start thinking...
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:15:49 +0100
he he he he
you showed me again, there what i told you before, so i guess i don't have to tell you what i'm talking about right now.
i know it was long time ago, i didn't know you would go ther, i didn't even know myself the existance of jphip.
someone, here, you might not see who, it doens't care,
know you, and me, and know jphip when you went there.
i jst knew it a be later that you.
i'm telling you : it's ok if you are slow : because you aren't familiar in what you don't know, and just leant.
but, you have to know something else,
will lead you to know,
that there is a lot of things that you don't know yet,
but there will be always, always someone, no matter who, or even what,
can tell you,
that will always, be for you to help you get faster.
so no, why didn't i post when you posted, is another question, that i hope you can now find the answer ,
or, a way to find it,
and i'll say, i was just loking around, to get what the meaning of 'jphip'
since i knew back then, when i first saw it : jphip = jpop music + h:!p ???? KOOL !
let see more,
but there is another reason why i can tell you why i like look around
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:07:44 +0000
ok, u saw me there.
looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago...cause i hardely go there...actually...i dont post there anymore...
and i hav no idea why u didnt post...
i just know that if my friend didnt wanted to show me a girl i hate there, i´d not know u were posting there...cause i´d not see ur pic...
and i dont really see the point in this!
yes, i´m slow and dumb
but i´m also very patient when it comes to you xD
so i can send as much e-mails as u want me to xD
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:02:28 +0100
you are not dumb,
you just didn't know how we could talk about something random, confusung, not matter how you explain it,
because you never know that untill
right now,
so you want to know it
and so you keep asking.
no, if i don't name exactly what i want to show you, is justbecause i know myself that it is obvious.
but you might not think it's obvious, so you would ask you questions,
and there, i will be happy to answer your questions.
because that mean,
you prove to me, that you love me,
so you are patient,
to wait
for what i might say untill you see it, when the time will come.
but right now, if i tell you i saw your 'picture' somwhere,
and that i knew if you posted it, that mean you were there enough to trust , or just know, other poeple ther might not know you back then
but know it would be you
just like me,
wihtout having the same nickname
so, here i tell you why i got interneted in jphip at first.
now the questionis : why did i didn't post or registered when i saw you ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:56:47 +0000
i dont understand sweety...too confusing...
i guess...i´m dumb....can u explan in easier way? xD
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:53:25 +0100
i know you love me,
because otherwise,
you won't be patient enought
to wait for any random explaination
from me,
so, you don't really have to put a '?'
to tell me that there is something you don't know yet.
because, you don't know what you can't name, and what you name isn't important,
you said it yourself once, remember ?
the question now is 'well, i'm waiting for your explanation'
i can tell you that when i went away from jpm, for a little time, no matter what i have done between jpm, and jphip
i saw
so, i asked myself, why you would be in jphip too ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:49:56 +0000
jenn, i´m not if i know what u´r talk about...
in fact...i´m pretty sure i dont know wot u r talking about!
theses days our talks are been....confusing o.o
but i love you even if i dont understand wot u r saying...and even if dont explain it quite well (plz explain?)
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:45:18 +0100
well of course you don't know xD
you don't know because i haven't tell it to you yet !
but you know, that you must know something at least about me right ?
otherwise, you wouldn't send the mail saying that you don't know.
you just want to tell me 'yes i want to know'
and well, i can tell you,
that you
was an important of the reasons, no matter how many there are,
that made me get into it at the first time.
now, you might know why you were important ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:42:30 +0000
i dont know o.o
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:40:42 +0100
hi honey :p
you must miss some part of the fact i got ban right ?
but it doesn't matter, right, now,
what can be matter you wanna know ?
you wanna know why i got into jphip for the first place ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:39:06 +0000
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:32:00 +0100
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: nick@digitalanime.de
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:29:59 +0100
he he he he
thanks nach, i've always trusted in you, because i know that you can't say something without another, since we already proved it to ourself at least once, when we were doing it, we didn't know, at that time, that we were doing something that we might not know eachother rightnow, but the fact that we are aware of that last part, is that you and me, know each other :)
so, you know, there is always a meaning behind everthing we might say, even if it leads to nowhere, you don't know that right now, you just know, the fact that we can expect one of US to say something, that might be guessed.
somtimes, because would call it 'anticipating' some other it wouls be 'medium' or other it will be 'god told me'
it doesn't matter whowhat told you,
we know eachother :p
but, it doeesn't mean you still don't know what i want to do after the jphip life :p
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:07:59 +0100
> From: nick@digitalanime.de
> To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
> Subject: Re: Banned for talkin in a forum
> chrrrrnooooo~
> well my guess is that you intended to get banned to have some jph!p free
> time :O but I am naturally bad at guessing.
> So you want to prove that 'something' to everyone you send that email
> then? :P
> Anyway, I hope things get better for you soon again, from what I've
> heard you must have had a hell of a last week.
> Also don't dare to leave berryz now, there are way too many snsd fans
> around now (though you are probably part of them) >:3
> Christian Nott wrote:
> > Hi nach nach nach nach nachdenki !!!
> >
> > Heheheh,
> >
> > well, i want to prove you something that you might not know yourself
> > right now,
> >
> > but you will just see what i am doing right now,
> >
> > when the time you will see it
> >
> >
> > like as i can tell you now what i just said here lead you to nowhere,
> > because you just still don't know what is happening and still not know
> > what i want to prove to you :p
> >
> > Until i say see you later, who knows what can happen ?
> >
> > see you later
> >
> > > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:48:33 +0100
> > > From: nick@digitalanime.de
> > > To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
> > > Subject: Re: Banned for talkin in a forum
> > >
> > > Hey chrno,
> > >
> > > what's wrong? Well I know pretty much a lot of what happened but why
> > > being so random now?
> > > I though everything was 'ok' as ok it can be after that.
> > > You knew they would have to stop you sooner or later D: most people
> > > don't know anything about that all and just think you are drunk or
> > > completely insane now ^^;
> > > Oh and I was asleep at the time you guys invited me to that group chat,
> > > that's why I wasn't responding at all :P you know my pc is running all
> > > the time...
> > >
> > > also have a nice day :O
> > >
> > > Christian Nott wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hi !
> > > >
> > > > how are you doing ?
> > > >
> > > > Well, looks like i'm not going to be able to talk in a forum lol
> > > > they banned me a reason i don't know myself...
> > > >
> > > > oh well, it's ok, it's not the only forum in the internet right?
> > > >
> > > > by the way, take a look at why i don't get it.
> > > >
> > > > I hope i don't get ban from the mailbox too Oo
> > > >
> > > > Have a nice Day
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Christian Nott
Christian Nott
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From: Christian Nott (chr_no_@hotmail.fr)
Sent: Mon 14/01/08 21:41
just proved me again
that you knew it all along !
you just didn't ask you you right questions, to solve the right question
of course, there are a lot of questions, and lot of answers, that
can tell me you know things that i don't, and i know things, that you don't,
doesnt show,
we are dumb, or not,
just show us,
and so,
we are
love talking right now don't you think ?XD
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:21:19 +0000
who know me, and u, and jphip....err...matth? XD
gosh...my head aches...i guess i never really had to think that hard...
you r really having fun with this aint you? XD
if u r laughing as hard as i am, then it´s a good thing...
if u r serious while u write... then it´s not xD
cause i´m really laughing a lot xD
i guess i´m insane after all this thinking...and i dont even get to think anything ... cause i dunno where to start thinking...
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:15:49 +0100
he he he he
you showed me again, there what i told you before, so i guess i don't have to tell you what i'm talking about right now.
i know it was long time ago, i didn't know you would go ther, i didn't even know myself the existance of jphip.
someone, here, you might not see who, it doens't care,
know you, and me, and know jphip when you went there.
i jst knew it a be later that you.
i'm telling you : it's ok if you are slow : because you aren't familiar in what you don't know, and just leant.
but, you have to know something else,
will lead you to know,
that there is a lot of things that you don't know yet,
but there will be always, always someone, no matter who, or even what,
can tell you,
that will always, be for you to help you get faster.
so no, why didn't i post when you posted, is another question, that i hope you can now find the answer ,
or, a way to find it,
and i'll say, i was just loking around, to get what the meaning of 'jphip'
since i knew back then, when i first saw it : jphip = jpop music + h:!p ???? KOOL !
let see more,
but there is another reason why i can tell you why i like look around
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:07:44 +0000
ok, u saw me there.
looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago...cause i hardely go there...actually...i dont post there anymore...
and i hav no idea why u didnt post...
i just know that if my friend didnt wanted to show me a girl i hate there, i´d not know u were posting there...cause i´d not see ur pic...
and i dont really see the point in this!
yes, i´m slow and dumb
but i´m also very patient when it comes to you xD
so i can send as much e-mails as u want me to xD
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:02:28 +0100
you are not dumb,
you just didn't know how we could talk about something random, confusung, not matter how you explain it,
because you never know that untill
right now,
so you want to know it
and so you keep asking.
no, if i don't name exactly what i want to show you, is justbecause i know myself that it is obvious.
but you might not think it's obvious, so you would ask you questions,
and there, i will be happy to answer your questions.
because that mean,
you prove to me, that you love me,
so you are patient,
to wait
for what i might say untill you see it, when the time will come.
but right now, if i tell you i saw your 'picture' somwhere,
and that i knew if you posted it, that mean you were there enough to trust , or just know, other poeple ther might not know you back then
but know it would be you
just like me,
wihtout having the same nickname
so, here i tell you why i got interneted in jphip at first.
now the questionis : why did i didn't post or registered when i saw you ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:56:47 +0000
i dont understand sweety...too confusing...
i guess...i´m dumb....can u explan in easier way? xD
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:53:25 +0100
i know you love me,
because otherwise,
you won't be patient enought
to wait for any random explaination
from me,
so, you don't really have to put a '?'
to tell me that there is something you don't know yet.
because, you don't know what you can't name, and what you name isn't important,
you said it yourself once, remember ?
the question now is 'well, i'm waiting for your explanation'
i can tell you that when i went away from jpm, for a little time, no matter what i have done between jpm, and jphip
i saw
so, i asked myself, why you would be in jphip too ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:49:56 +0000
jenn, i´m not if i know what u´r talk about...
in fact...i´m pretty sure i dont know wot u r talking about!
theses days our talks are been....confusing o.o
but i love you even if i dont understand wot u r saying...and even if dont explain it quite well (plz explain?)
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:45:18 +0100
well of course you don't know xD
you don't know because i haven't tell it to you yet !
but you know, that you must know something at least about me right ?
otherwise, you wouldn't send the mail saying that you don't know.
you just want to tell me 'yes i want to know'
and well, i can tell you,
that you
was an important of the reasons, no matter how many there are,
that made me get into it at the first time.
now, you might know why you were important ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:42:30 +0000
i dont know o.o
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: ronga_@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:40:42 +0100
hi honey :p
you must miss some part of the fact i got ban right ?
but it doesn't matter, right, now,
what can be matter you wanna know ?
you wanna know why i got into jphip for the first place ?
From: ronga_@hotmail.com
To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:39:06 +0000
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
Subject: FW: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:32:00 +0100
From: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
To: nick@digitalanime.de
Subject: RE: Banned for talkin in a forum
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:29:59 +0100
he he he he
thanks nach, i've always trusted in you, because i know that you can't say something without another, since we already proved it to ourself at least once, when we were doing it, we didn't know, at that time, that we were doing something that we might not know eachother rightnow, but the fact that we are aware of that last part, is that you and me, know each other :)
so, you know, there is always a meaning behind everthing we might say, even if it leads to nowhere, you don't know that right now, you just know, the fact that we can expect one of US to say something, that might be guessed.
somtimes, because would call it 'anticipating' some other it wouls be 'medium' or other it will be 'god told me'
it doesn't matter whowhat told you,
we know eachother :p
but, it doeesn't mean you still don't know what i want to do after the jphip life :p
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:07:59 +0100
> From: nick@digitalanime.de
> To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
> Subject: Re: Banned for talkin in a forum
> chrrrrnooooo~
> well my guess is that you intended to get banned to have some jph!p free
> time :O but I am naturally bad at guessing.
> So you want to prove that 'something' to everyone you send that email
> then? :P
> Anyway, I hope things get better for you soon again, from what I've
> heard you must have had a hell of a last week.
> Also don't dare to leave berryz now, there are way too many snsd fans
> around now (though you are probably part of them) >:3
> Christian Nott wrote:
> > Hi nach nach nach nach nachdenki !!!
> >
> > Heheheh,
> >
> > well, i want to prove you something that you might not know yourself
> > right now,
> >
> > but you will just see what i am doing right now,
> >
> > when the time you will see it
> >
> >
> > like as i can tell you now what i just said here lead you to nowhere,
> > because you just still don't know what is happening and still not know
> > what i want to prove to you :p
> >
> > Until i say see you later, who knows what can happen ?
> >
> > see you later
> >
> > > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:48:33 +0100
> > > From: nick@digitalanime.de
> > > To: chr_no_@hotmail.fr
> > > Subject: Re: Banned for talkin in a forum
> > >
> > > Hey chrno,
> > >
> > > what's wrong? Well I know pretty much a lot of what happened but why
> > > being so random now?
> > > I though everything was 'ok' as ok it can be after that.
> > > You knew they would have to stop you sooner or later D: most people
> > > don't know anything about that all and just think you are drunk or
> > > completely insane now ^^;
> > > Oh and I was asleep at the time you guys invited me to that group chat,
> > > that's why I wasn't responding at all :P you know my pc is running all
> > > the time...
> > >
> > > also have a nice day :O
> > >
> > > Christian Nott wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hi !
> > > >
> > > > how are you doing ?
> > > >
> > > > Well, looks like i'm not going to be able to talk in a forum lol
> > > > they banned me a reason i don't know myself...
> > > >
> > > > oh well, it's ok, it's not the only forum in the internet right?
> > > >
> > > > by the way, take a look at why i don't get it.
> > > >
> > > > I hope i don't get ban from the mailbox too Oo
> > > >
> > > > Have a nice Day
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday, August 8, 2010
So there is now a new child forum on jph!p, the Pairing one !
I'm now going to post a lot in that MiyaSaki thread, because i simply love that couple more than any MiyaRisako or MiyaChinami or even MiyaAiri...
My old youtube channel was deleted, there were some miya captain love there, but oh well i can create another account right ?
now i want to spread that spirit of loveness in the MiyaHime world ~
At first i wanted to make a super drawing but as tired as i am i can't really do something spectacular so i'll do with that simple drawing of Miya and Captain from their latest single Maji Bomber!! if you look at the cover, the girls really are wonderful, all of them. but hell today is MiyaCaptain's day ! ^^
I'm now going to post a lot in that MiyaSaki thread, because i simply love that couple more than any MiyaRisako or MiyaChinami or even MiyaAiri...
My old youtube channel was deleted, there were some miya captain love there, but oh well i can create another account right ?
now i want to spread that spirit of loveness in the MiyaHime world ~
At first i wanted to make a super drawing but as tired as i am i can't really do something spectacular so i'll do with that simple drawing of Miya and Captain from their latest single Maji Bomber!! if you look at the cover, the girls really are wonderful, all of them. but hell today is MiyaCaptain's day ! ^^
Saturday, August 7, 2010
ノノl∂_∂'ル <gao~
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Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: tamatron on: July 05, 2010, 07:55:36 am »
* Reply
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Quote from: tamatron on July 05, 2010, 07:44:28 am
Quote from: ChrNo on July 02, 2010, 07:35:10 am
Hi tama-sama !
how are you doing ?
just wondering if you wanted to join skype, even if you don't talk, just be there ? listen or reading, it would be like on irc but with crazy friends of mine that i least you know dai and words haha zigg is using linux for the moment so...
how hot is it here, (all on fire -red) looks like jph!p is hitting on Rika :rofl:
cover of joshi btw XD
joshi jph!p remix !
today i'm going to surprise shirenu and go to the japan expo without telling anyone here kukuku
only few of you know about it, dai and words and zigg haha i hope first to stk her then i'll hugg her by behind xD
have a great day !
Sorry for a late reply, been dealing with computer problems these past few days. @_@
Skype...I have to talk and listen, right? I'm not good with multi-tasking. XD
You can just talk to me on msn. I might appear to be off but sometimes I'm actually on. :lol:
Dave showed me the pic of you and shirenu last night. Can't believe she's taller! She must be wearing insoles, I tell ya!
don't worry about me i have that kind of problems too XD
Mail Delivery Subsystem to me
show details 7:12 AM (41 minutes ago)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 too many errors detected from your IP (, please visit http://postmaster.free.fr/ (state 15).
----- Original message -----
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with SMTP id e9mr1908411eba.72.1278306741145; Sun, 04
Jul 2010 22:12:21 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 4 Jul 2010 22:12:20 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 07:12:20 +0200
Subject: Re: Hey honey
From: Ethan Petrelli
To: Julian Herrero
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=0015174bef26385689048a9cfb1e
- Show quoted text -
Now playing : Buono ! Café buono
chien ?
vie de chien ?
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Ethan Petrelliwrote:
> hun kyo wa doko made iku no ?
> now playing Ayumi Hamasaki - Marionnette
> Heart te wa...
> toooo mo kaaa ...
> watashi mo anata mo kimi mooooooo
> bokudachi waaaaaa
> kike yi say syeah iiiiiii
> doooo wooo
> akira metaaa
> iruuuuuu
> ~
> wooooooooaooooooo
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:45:41): her butt is firm
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:46:09): i confirm XD
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:47:21): how do you know it
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:47:32): because it's yourwaifu
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:47:32): i tap that
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:48:21): you would hit that lol
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:48:32): did you hug shi? did she think you were a
> guy?
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:48:50): first yeah XD
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:49:22): lol
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:49:36): she didn't want to be trapped
> Dernier message reçu le 05/07 à 06:49
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 07:02:44): yasashiku ?
> saaa
> mok uuuuu
> ne teetteeeee
> tachi wa
> kari
> DAME ,
> din din dind din
> hein ?
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Ethan Petrelliwrote:
>> kimochiii
>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Ethan Petrelliwrote:
>>> [image: Offline]
>>> lollipopgirl
alright let's connect on msn then :p
"Oh sh15 is trop puissant !"
Posts: 1502
ノノl∂_∂'ル <gao~
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o Personal Message (Offline)
Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: tamatron on: July 05, 2010, 07:55:36 am »
* Reply
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Quote from: tamatron on July 05, 2010, 07:44:28 am
Quote from: ChrNo on July 02, 2010, 07:35:10 am
Hi tama-sama !
how are you doing ?
just wondering if you wanted to join skype, even if you don't talk, just be there ? listen or reading, it would be like on irc but with crazy friends of mine that i least you know dai and words haha zigg is using linux for the moment so...
how hot is it here, (all on fire -red) looks like jph!p is hitting on Rika :rofl:
cover of joshi btw XD
joshi jph!p remix !
today i'm going to surprise shirenu and go to the japan expo without telling anyone here kukuku
only few of you know about it, dai and words and zigg haha i hope first to stk her then i'll hugg her by behind xD
have a great day !
Sorry for a late reply, been dealing with computer problems these past few days. @_@
Skype...I have to talk and listen, right? I'm not good with multi-tasking. XD
You can just talk to me on msn. I might appear to be off but sometimes I'm actually on. :lol:
Dave showed me the pic of you and shirenu last night. Can't believe she's taller! She must be wearing insoles, I tell ya!
don't worry about me i have that kind of problems too XD
Mail Delivery Subsystem to me
show details 7:12 AM (41 minutes ago)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
- Show quoted text -
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 too many errors detected from your IP (, please visit http://postmaster.free.fr/ (state 15).
----- Original message -----
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with SMTP id e9mr1908411eba.72.1278306741145; Sun, 04
Jul 2010 22:12:21 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 4 Jul 2010 22:12:20 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 07:12:20 +0200
Subject: Re: Hey honey
From: Ethan Petrelli
To: Julian Herrero
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=0015174bef26385689048a9cfb1e
- Show quoted text -
Now playing : Buono ! Café buono
chien ?
vie de chien ?
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Ethan Petrelli
> hun kyo wa doko made iku no ?
> now playing Ayumi Hamasaki - Marionnette
> Heart te wa...
> toooo mo kaaa ...
> watashi mo anata mo kimi mooooooo
> bokudachi waaaaaa
> kike yi say syeah iiiiiii
> doooo wooo
> akira metaaa
> iruuuuuu
> ~
> wooooooooaooooooo
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:45:41): her butt is firm
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:46:09): i confirm XD
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:47:21): how do you know it
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:47:32): because it's yourwaifu
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:47:32): i tap that
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:48:21): you would hit that lol
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:48:32): did you hug shi? did she think you were a
> guy?
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 06:48:50): first yeah XD
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:49:22): lol
> ekimayulac (05/07/2010 06:49:36): she didn't want to be trapped
> Dernier message reçu le 05/07 à 06:49
> crus4d3chrno (05/07/2010 07:02:44): yasashiku ?
> saaa
> mok uuuuu
> ne teetteeeee
> tachi wa
> kari
> DAME ,
> din din dind din
> hein ?
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Ethan Petrelli
>> kimochiii
>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Ethan Petrelli
>>> [image: Offline]
>>> lollipopgirl
alright let's connect on msn then :p
"Oh sh15 is trop puissant !"
date Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 4:40 PM
subject Re: elle a free elle a tout compris !
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jul 3
Titre : Le diner de con
Hypothese: Tu es con
Démonstration :
Tu es con car Tu ne comprends rien.
Tu es con car Tu ne con prend pas.
Or "Quand on est con, on nait con" //Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai dit -_-
d'où quand on est con on est con. //oui voila c'est mieux
Tu n'es pas bête car tu sais réfléchir.
Or "(...)con vient du mot latin lapin(...)".
"Si vous étiez un animal lequel seriez-vous ?
- Un lapin, parce que ce n'est pas trop bête".
D'où Tu es bête.
Or "Un Homme est un animal comme les autres" et
"Les gens sont con".//ca je l'ai pas dit -_-
Tu es un homme,
d'où Tu es un Homme // c'est évident -_-
Tu es un gentil //ah je ne l'ai pas dit non plus !
Donc Tu es con.
//rooooooooo aller je te met 16 quand meme
- Hide quoted text -
2010/7/3 Jennifer Tam
Tu m'as, tu es :D
2010/7/3 Jennifer Tam
tu m'as tué !!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Tam
Date: 2010/7/3
Subject: elle a free elle a tout compris !
To: Bastien SANCHEZ
titre : Le diner de con
hypothese: t'es con
demonstration :
t'es con parce que tu comprends rien.
t'es con parce que tu con prend pas.
mais "quand on est con, on nait con"
donc quand on est con on est con.
tu n'es pas bête car tu sais réfléchir
mais "con = lapin" et "si vous étiez un animal qu'est ce que vous seriez? - un lapin, parce que c'est pas trop con"
donc tu es bête
mais "un Homme est un animal comme les autres" et "les gens sont con"
tu es un homme
donc tu es un Homme et tu es un gens
Donc tu es con.
subject Re: elle a free elle a tout compris !
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jul 3
Titre : Le diner de con
Hypothese: Tu es con
Démonstration :
Tu es con car Tu ne comprends rien.
Tu es con car Tu ne con prend pas.
Or "Quand on est con, on nait con" //Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai dit -_-
d'où quand on est con on est con. //oui voila c'est mieux
Tu n'es pas bête car tu sais réfléchir.
Or "(...)con vient du mot latin lapin(...)".
"Si vous étiez un animal lequel seriez-vous ?
- Un lapin, parce que ce n'est pas trop bête".
D'où Tu es bête.
Or "Un Homme est un animal comme les autres" et
"Les gens sont con".//ca je l'ai pas dit -_-
Tu es un homme,
d'où Tu es un Homme // c'est évident -_-
Tu es un gentil //ah je ne l'ai pas dit non plus !
Donc Tu es con.
//rooooooooo aller je te met 16 quand meme
- Hide quoted text -
2010/7/3 Jennifer Tam
Tu m'as, tu es :D
2010/7/3 Jennifer Tam
tu m'as tué !!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Tam
Date: 2010/7/3
Subject: elle a free elle a tout compris !
To: Bastien SANCHEZ
titre : Le diner de con
hypothese: t'es con
demonstration :
t'es con parce que tu comprends rien.
t'es con parce que tu con prend pas.
mais "quand on est con, on nait con"
donc quand on est con on est con.
tu n'es pas bête car tu sais réfléchir
mais "con = lapin" et "si vous étiez un animal qu'est ce que vous seriez? - un lapin, parce que c'est pas trop con"
donc tu es bête
mais "un Homme est un animal comme les autres" et "les gens sont con"
tu es un homme
donc tu es un Homme et tu es un gens
Donc tu es con.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Julian Herrero
to Julian, Matth, Camila, Ethan, Wonder, Bastien
show details Jul 5
Cherche le bonheure
la bonne heure
quand tu l'auras trouvé,
et bien ca veut dire que tu sauras pourquoi ca va
que ca ne va plus
que ca ne va pas
que ca peut aller
que ca ira
donc que ca va.
Cherche ce que tu n'as pas déjà, et tu le trouveras, et tu le sauras, et tu le chériras, et tu l'aimeras.
Il y a-t-il une raison d'aimer ?
a raison d'etre ?
a reason to be ?
There is.
So go and find it.
Cherche et tu trouveras.
Si tu ne cherches pas comme moi.
Tu ne trouveras jamais comme moi.
Mais je te donne certaines choses que tu as
Donc je sais que tu peux en avoir
D'où je sais que tu peux exister
D'où je sais que tu existe
d'où tout ce que je pense
du fond du coeur
qui est le mien
le tient
à present.
present perfect is present perfect
is there a perfect world ?
there is. it's called a perfect world.
a Paradise
is there a paradise here ?
there is.
is there a . here
there are a lot of .
so there are a lot of
so there are a lot
so there are a
so there are
so there
see ?
see what i mean now ?
see what you mean now ?
sea is the see what you get ?
yes it is !
ok so there is a wonderful place here
a wonderful place in Paris.
a wonderful place in Paris of France of The World
where is the paris here ?
Pikachu !
zomg pokemons !!!
i'm a pikachu hahahaha
is the evolution of the rei
the rei is the reis
the rei is the sun
the rei is the rei too
the rei is the roi
the roi is the roi
the roi in paris is ?
the roi is Roi de Paris ?
Roi des Lyon ?
Roi tout court
roi tu cours !
donc Roi tu sauras.
vie, va, et deviens hahahahaha
Salut Catherine tient ca va ? ca fait un baille orion en fait ^^
et donc où est orion ? ^^
qui est orion d'abord ^^
Reply to all
Julian Herrero
to Julian, Matth, Camila, Ethan, Wonder, Bastien
show details Jul 5
Cherche le bonheure
la bonne heure
quand tu l'auras trouvé,
et bien ca veut dire que tu sauras pourquoi ca va
que ca ne va plus
que ca ne va pas
que ca peut aller
que ca ira
donc que ca va.
Cherche ce que tu n'as pas déjà, et tu le trouveras, et tu le sauras, et tu le chériras, et tu l'aimeras.
Il y a-t-il une raison d'aimer ?
a raison d'etre ?
a reason to be ?
There is.
So go and find it.
Cherche et tu trouveras.
Si tu ne cherches pas comme moi.
Tu ne trouveras jamais comme moi.
Mais je te donne certaines choses que tu as
Donc je sais que tu peux en avoir
D'où je sais que tu peux exister
D'où je sais que tu existe
d'où tout ce que je pense
du fond du coeur
qui est le mien
le tient
à present.
present perfect is present perfect
is there a perfect world ?
there is. it's called a perfect world.
a Paradise
is there a paradise here ?
there is.
is there a . here
there are a lot of .
so there are a lot of
so there are a lot
so there are a
so there are
so there
see ?
see what i mean now ?
see what you mean now ?
sea is the see what you get ?
yes it is !
ok so there is a wonderful place here
a wonderful place in Paris.
a wonderful place in Paris of France of The World
where is the paris here ?
Pikachu !
zomg pokemons !!!
i'm a pikachu hahahaha
is the evolution of the rei
the rei is the reis
the rei is the sun
the rei is the rei too
the rei is the roi
the roi is the roi
the roi in paris is ?
the roi is Roi de Paris ?
Roi des Lyon ?
Roi tout court
roi tu cours !
donc Roi tu sauras.
vie, va, et deviens hahahahaha
Salut Catherine tient ca va ? ca fait un baille orion en fait ^^
et donc où est orion ? ^^
qui est orion d'abord ^^
Reply to all
Monday, July 5, 2010
Il faut toujours faire ce qu'on a à faire, et faire ce qu'il faut faire, pour faire.
D'où il sait.
D'où il pense ?
d'où le cerf vol
d'où le cerf volant ?
Donc il a un queue.
Du Con.
Les lapins on une mini queue toute ronde et sont tres rapide quand ils font des bébés donc bah il sont rapide a faire les bébés laissent leur lapereaux, et puis bah mange de la salade et ont des longues oreilles...oh bah tient c'est blanc comme neige et comme une roche. mais vu que je sais rien bah je fais avancer mes penser juste mais pas l'Humanité, juste l'humain qui est en moi. a tient je sais qui est moi donc. qui sont ...
ah les autres ?
oh lui la ce bel homme...
oh tient un homme...
oula c'est la folie ca alors lol
car c'est affolant comme qui dirait ?
mais qui a dit ca deja ?
ah oui
WonderBoy !
c'est bary c'est ca HAHAHAHAHHAHA
oula mais que voije ?
j'ai une queue dans ma tete bordel xD
oula j'ai deja dit ca quelque part
mais moi je le sais donc peronne d'autre que moi ne peux savoir ce que je pense donc ce que je suis donc si je suis ou pas donc bah je suis pas la conversation en cours
donc je ne suis pas
etre un con
etre un connard ? nan
etre une connasse ? nan
etre une conne ? oui
tient en voila une autre de bonne queue XD
bref j'espere maintenant que les autres comprendront quand il verra...
il le vera lui
tu le vera toi
que quelqu'un ici corrige
Tu le veras Toi
et bah si toi tu le vois
c'est que ?
et donc ?
je suis la conversation qui se passe en ce moment ici ...
donc j'ai besoin de lui pour avancer dans ma vie ^^
sinon bah je vol la vie en cours HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
donc je sais pourquoi je t'aime. donc fait moi plaisir et ne fais pas ce que je fais, fais le a ma place,
fait le
Pour Moi.
Merci Mon Amour.
Je T'aime.
Je T'M
J&M{a4e, ayu4eva,h2o}
hi hi...
D'où il sait.
D'où il pense ?
d'où le cerf vol
d'où le cerf volant ?
Donc il a un queue.
Du Con.
Les lapins on une mini queue toute ronde et sont tres rapide quand ils font des bébés donc bah il sont rapide a faire les bébés laissent leur lapereaux, et puis bah mange de la salade et ont des longues oreilles...oh bah tient c'est blanc comme neige et comme une roche. mais vu que je sais rien bah je fais avancer mes penser juste mais pas l'Humanité, juste l'humain qui est en moi. a tient je sais qui est moi donc. qui sont ...
ah les autres ?
oh lui la ce bel homme...
oh tient un homme...
oula c'est la folie ca alors lol
car c'est affolant comme qui dirait ?
mais qui a dit ca deja ?
ah oui
WonderBoy !
c'est bary c'est ca HAHAHAHAHHAHA
oula mais que voije ?
j'ai une queue dans ma tete bordel xD
oula j'ai deja dit ca quelque part
mais moi je le sais donc peronne d'autre que moi ne peux savoir ce que je pense donc ce que je suis donc si je suis ou pas donc bah je suis pas la conversation en cours
donc je ne suis pas
etre un con
etre un connard ? nan
etre une connasse ? nan
etre une conne ? oui
tient en voila une autre de bonne queue XD
bref j'espere maintenant que les autres comprendront quand il verra...
il le vera lui
tu le vera toi
que quelqu'un ici corrige
Tu le veras Toi
et bah si toi tu le vois
c'est que ?
et donc ?
je suis la conversation qui se passe en ce moment ici ...
donc j'ai besoin de lui pour avancer dans ma vie ^^
sinon bah je vol la vie en cours HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
donc je sais pourquoi je t'aime. donc fait moi plaisir et ne fais pas ce que je fais, fais le a ma place,
fait le
Pour Moi.
Merci Mon Amour.
Je T'aime.
Je T'M
J&M{a4e, ayu4eva,h2o}
hi hi...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I Need You
Honto no jibun
Take it easy !
My Boy
but My Dear Boy first
boyz lol
I need you 2 be 3 in this world !
"oh putin je suis trop puissant !"
Oh shhhh~
What English people think, french say it, so let's see one of those song here before 4 !
Take it easy !
My Boy
but My Dear Boy first
boyz lol
I need you 2 be 3 in this world !
"oh putin je suis trop puissant !"
Oh shhhh~
What English people think, french say it, so let's see one of those song here before 4 !
Saturday, June 26, 2010
We are Buono!
Earlier today i watched "We are Buono! " live Dvd i bought, and posted on jph!p about it :
One of the best part was obviously the Tiger outfit stripping part, but not only that, the wotas and Dolce were awesome too, the camera man did a good job. Everything was almost just perfect for me.
as for the Tiger outfit, i spent some times looking for a great Miya stripping pose, even asked for a guy to know what stripping is all about... here is what i drew :
couldn't really post it on jphip, 'cause i didn't feel it was the best Miya pose i could find...
another thing about We are Buono! : a 4Koma :
yes unforgettable...
h2o : i completly agree with you there ChrNo ! Damn i just saw there is a Buono! Best Of, looks like Buono! might really be over after their Rock 'n Buono! 3 concert but like you said <3 !
Julian : i watched the disc2, the girls are just so funny even if i don't get a word XD
momoko seemed to be kinda upset at some point XD don't remember lol...damn my poor memory XD
Victor : indeed XXX
Hydroxide : hey it's been a while but i believe in Buono!, they are going to be great during their last fanclub concert if that is their last, they just can't vanish like this at that point...
Jen : Aa!...
Re: The Buono! Thread (ボーノ)
« Reply #184 on: Today at 11:29:23 AM »
Just watched We are Buono dvd
may i say it's their best concert.
with Tabidachi no Uta as ending, i'm thinking that buono might actually end here. "We are Buono!" is unforgettable. H!p is going in some other way now with those three girls.
3 girls, 3 centers, 3 albums= <3
Miya has Ex-ceed, momoko and airi will have something new too probably.
Buono!, best H!P unit ever for me.
may i say it's their best concert.
with Tabidachi no Uta as ending, i'm thinking that buono might actually end here. "We are Buono!" is unforgettable. H!p is going in some other way now with those three girls.
3 girls, 3 centers, 3 albums= <3
Miya has Ex-ceed, momoko and airi will have something new too probably.
Buono!, best H!P unit ever for me.
One of the best part was obviously the Tiger outfit stripping part, but not only that, the wotas and Dolce were awesome too, the camera man did a good job. Everything was almost just perfect for me.
as for the Tiger outfit, i spent some times looking for a great Miya stripping pose, even asked for a guy to know what stripping is all about... here is what i drew :
couldn't really post it on jphip, 'cause i didn't feel it was the best Miya pose i could find...
another thing about We are Buono! : a 4Koma :
yes unforgettable...
h2o : i completly agree with you there ChrNo ! Damn i just saw there is a Buono! Best Of, looks like Buono! might really be over after their Rock 'n Buono! 3 concert but like you said <3 !
Julian : i watched the disc2, the girls are just so funny even if i don't get a word XD
momoko seemed to be kinda upset at some point XD don't remember lol...damn my poor memory XD
Victor : indeed XXX
Hydroxide : hey it's been a while but i believe in Buono!, they are going to be great during their last fanclub concert if that is their last, they just can't vanish like this at that point...
Jen : Aa!...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Happy BDay sh15uya
It's a bit early, but in fact on the other side of the world like in Japan it's already April 22nd, so i wanted to be the first to create the thread in the forum, that's why i didn't wait 22nd in my timezone ku ku ku
At first i wanted to draw Lee Hyori with the clown from Swing, but it was kinda depressing and the clown is really creepy...then i saw that pic of her half naked covered by a panel saying "Made in Korea", and i thought about just ps-ing the panel and put "Happy Bday" on it...then it was like a bit too simple... i really wanted to draw something so......another funny/sexy/suggesting idea would be drawing a bed and write on it "wish you were here" hahahaha...obviously that wasn't a good idea...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Berryz工房 Advance War
March 3rd was Berryz' 6th anniversary, and on the same day, their 22nd double A side single 友達は友達なんだ!/雄叫びボーイ WAO! was released.
I already mentioned tomodachi pv in my previous post, how lonely yet lovely Momo was (obviously, the other girls were lovely as well).
I wanted to draw them in their pink camo outfit for quite some times now, at first i thought "let's do something simple ! how about pixel art with their ascii face used on 2ch !". But since pixel art is everything but simple, it took me a lot of time lol...
The idea of the old school game menu came when i was about to hit 1337 posts, which would change into LEET, but looks like since the update of the forum it hasn't been working...
If you wonder what the Top number is, i guess you should watch the Hello!Project Winter 2006 concert kukuku
Monday, March 8, 2010
Momoko's 18th BDay
I don't know if any of you have watched Berryz工房 - 友達は友達なんだ!PV yet, but for the ones who did, i'm sure you would agree that the moment where Momo is left alone on the beach is really beautiful...
I guess i just had to portray that scene... On March 6th 2010, it was Momoko's 18th birthday...i know it should be a happy day for her, but i kinda felt sad that Tama-sama who was an enthusiastic Momowota didn't show up in her thread...
At least other Momowotas like nach celebrated it like 10 hahaha
In addition to that : SHE IS LEGAL NOW !
haha which means something special on jph!p...
it means you could say something like :
"Momo wotas buy 3 copies of each of her photobooks
- one to scan
- one to stare at
- one to w*** at"
i'll let you guess what's the last word is kukukuku...
Anyway i really hope you had a great day Momo !
Sunday, February 28, 2010
i just had to do something with that fish costume...
At first i had one idea for Valentine's day, Miya in that fish costume, in Momo's fishshop, and all the other berryz in different manly outfits trying to catch their Valentine haha... well that was because of the lyrics of Watashi no mirai no danna sama where they sing : bonkure shogatsu VALENTINE
hitori de sugoshitakunai
watashi no mirai no danna-sama
dokka ni mejirushi wo tsukete
aruite chodai which can be translated to : Christmas, New year, and Valentine's
Are the times I don't want to be alone
So I beg to you my future husband
Please come find me and somehow give me a sign
that you are my love and by the way, how Miya sings the word "Chodai" is just incredibly sensual... so when i thought "fish" the idea of some barbecue came...but since it was about Miya being the attention of the week, i thought something like "princess"...or more about some goddess worshiping...there came the image of Jack Sparrow being some kind of god then get prepared to be eaten by those native Caribbeans from Pirates of the Caribbeans 2 and here we get it. Then i was just too lazy to draw those cannibals, so i thought of those Patapon characters, which are just so awesome, and totally fit the atmosphere...and voilà. So we get at first the impression that she is their goddess, and Miya being completely oblivious of the situation =D
hitori de sugoshitakunai
watashi no mirai no danna-sama
dokka ni mejirushi wo tsukete
aruite chodai which can be translated to : Christmas, New year, and Valentine's
Are the times I don't want to be alone
So I beg to you my future husband
Please come find me and somehow give me a sign
that you are my love and by the way, how Miya sings the word "Chodai" is just incredibly sensual... so when i thought "fish" the idea of some barbecue came...but since it was about Miya being the attention of the week, i thought something like "princess"...or more about some goddess worshiping...there came the image of Jack Sparrow being some kind of god then get prepared to be eaten by those native Caribbeans from Pirates of the Caribbeans 2 and here we get it. Then i was just too lazy to draw those cannibals, so i thought of those Patapon characters, which are just so awesome, and totally fit the atmosphere...and voilà. So we get at first the impression that she is their goddess, and Miya being completely oblivious of the situation =D
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Miya ga Sekai de ichiban kawaii tora desu
Still going on the Tiger year theme...
At first i just wanted to try some new coloring skin technique...but turned out pretty bad i must say...so had to do it again with my old smudge way...
i guess i still need to learn a lot...
Also since i drew this two days appart, i lost track of the color swatch for her skin...so her hands might look weird, sometimes i feel like it's green loool...
ah well need to keep looking for good tutorials...
i also had some trouble writing correctly the sentence..well i mean grammatically correct XD
what i wanted to write was " Miya is the cutest tiger of the world"
Since i don't really know i got babelfish to translate it for me :
Miya wa sekai no mottomo kawaii tora de aru
since automatic translation never really works, had to try something else, like "Miya is the world's number one cute tiger"
i know it might sound weirder hahaha but easier to find 'cause there are some berryz lyrics which contains the "sekai de ichiban" (Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance for instance)
so here we have the sentence written on the pic...
ah well....real japanese probably don't say it like this, but at least it's grammatically correct XD
Friday, February 12, 2010
Chinese New Year of the Tiger
2010, Chinese new year is celebrated the same day as Valentine's day...i had to choose what theme i would do...i guess i wasn't really inspired by this lover day lol
Here i tried some kind of Chinese painting ...
i started with Airi...hence maybe the fact that she might look better than Momo or Miya haha...
Well i think Momo looks quite good too here...
just saying that 'cause i think Miya doesn't look that great XD
But she looks better than the tiger doesn't she ?!
I wonder how much i'll get from some nice hong bao this year kukuku....
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Okay, not really exactly the same since we usually see a "!" for H!P...
I know there are some fanfics around with some HarryPotter related H!P stories...haven't read any of them tho haha...
Anyway there is this pic of Miya which seems to remind some people Hermione Granger...
Hermione is like the only reason (after the Oh! So Brit accent) i watch Harry Potter movies....so i had to give it a try, took me around 8 hours of work, which is usually the same for most of my colored drawings..Kukuku have some Hermia !
Actually, i think it looks better on this picture i took from my mobile phone than the real drawing itself hahaha...
Have to thanks wordsworth for that catch line ~
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Happy BDay ziggurat !
We all know zigg is a Captain wota, but lately, more like about one year, he hasn't pimped her at all ! Always mentioning either Dawa or Take-chan...he even changed his sig and avatar :
Can you see a Captain ?
No Captain there ! ....seriously that's what i call a TRAITOR !
hahaha j/k zigg, don't take it too seriously...anyway
Happy Birthday zigg !
Friday, January 8, 2010
God Save The Queen
Happy New Year 2010 !
Buono still going with the Rock/PseudoPunk Style, everytime i see them wearing some UK flag tshirt it reminds me of Punk group Sex Pistol haha
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