Hydroxide : Hi there, i've been reading this blog for a while now, and i'd like to ask Mii if the interest of chosing English was because of the advantage that grammar can give you, such as : not knowing the gender. i'm just asking that since i noticed Mii would comment with the name and not with She nor He
Victor : hahaha that sounds familiar
ChrNo : people thought i was a guy until i break the silence after one year on jphip !!! and only because koibito wanted me to do so, afraid of people calling him a gay XD
h2o : lol i never said i was a boy nor a girl either, and one day because some of my friends i met on jpopmusic.com wanted me to post my picture, i wanted to make something cool, so i tried a puzzle of my face and that's how they discovered i was a girl. The one who made the first puzzle was L-San, the second puzzle was ayu4eva, who is actually my boyfriend :p
Jen : Aaaah, i didn't have the choice to make people wonder if i'm a girl or a boy, my mum and dad wanted a girl hahaha but today i can play with my body and make myself androgynous !
Julian : Jen that must be awesome :o