ChrNo dit (01:01) :
ChrNo dit (01:01) :
so early XD
M dit (01:02) :
M dit (01:02) :
M dit (01:02) :
what happened?
ChrNo dit (01:02) :
gettting things better
ChrNo dit (01:02) :
M dit (01:03) :
M dit (01:03) :
you talked to brian and sh1 last night>
M dit (01:03) :
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
wel it's still tonight for me
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
yeah i had sh1 on msn
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
hu hu huh u
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
and we were all joking around
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
so i guess
ChrNo dit (01:03) :
we are good night
ChrNo dit (01:04) :
ChrNo dit (01:04) :
brian wants to talk to me XD
ChrNo dit (01:04) :
so sh1 went to sleep
ChrNo dit (01:04) :
and hopin
ChrNo dit (01:04) :
for me to telling him things he wants tomorow
M dit (01:05) :
ChrNo dit (01:05) :
M dit (01:05) :
brian said he's ok if you don't have feelings for him the way he does for you
M dit (01:05) :
what he's afraid is
M dit (01:06) :
sh1 might stop you from being his friend even after all this is over
ChrNo dit (01:06) :
i know
ChrNo dit (01:06) :
and sh1 is just hoping for me to stop talking to brian
ChrNo dit (01:06) :
he said
ChrNo dit (01:06) :
éthat will solve the problm"
M dit (01:07) :
do you want to stop talking to brian
M dit (01:07) :
i don't think you want to
ChrNo dit (01:07) :
i don't
ChrNo dit (01:07) :
but sh1 just can't accept it
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
i understand him you oknow
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
i understand that he doesn't wanat me to talk to a guy that love me
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
because he is afraid i fall for him
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
and would leave him
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
but i just believe sh1 is everything for me
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
and i will never
ChrNo dit (01:08) :
NEVER leave him
M dit (01:08) :
but you told sh1 that you didn't have feelings for biran right
M dit (01:09) :
i don't know what he's afraid of
M dit (01:09) :
telling him that you don't love brian should have been enough
M dit (01:10) :
but asking you to stop talking to him is a bit too much don;t you think?
M dit (01:10) :
the best way is for sh1 and brian to talk to settle this once and for all
M dit (01:10) :
you're the one who's getting caught between them
M dit (01:10) :
yet the three of you are the ones getting hurt
M dit (01:11) :
btw the preview of maimi and nacchi single is out lol
M dit (01:11) :
shameless plug
ChrNo dit (01:11) :
they talked, then when brian didn't give up on me, he started to think he is a threat, and don't want to talk to him anymore, beucase he said , brian is just ruining our couple
M dit (01:12) :
M dit (01:12) :
i guess you have to reject brian the proper way
M dit (01:13) :
not with "i don't love you" or sth like that
M dit (01:13) :
so he will understand
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
i tried everything, being nice, bieng harsh, being indiferent, he didn't stop emailing me, didn't stop calling me, even if i didn't answer
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
i don't want to make him sound bad
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
i understand them...
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
that's why
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
i need
ChrNo dit (01:13) :
your objectiv view
M dit (01:14) :
M dit (01:14) :
be honest
M dit (01:15) :
you never had feelings from brian aside from being a friend?
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
i like him a lot
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
never go as far as love him
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
ChrNo dit (01:15) :
having any feeling for him
M dit (01:16) :
M dit (01:16) :
then that's it
M vous a envoyé un wizz.
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
i wish
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
it was easy XD
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
matth just doubt
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
i understant
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
everyone in a couple would have that doubt
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
that fear
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
that someday
ChrNo dit (01:22) :
i would leave him
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
the fact that
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
there is someone who loves me besides him
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
just freak him out
ChrNo dit (01:23) :
i understand
M dit (01:27) :
M dit (01:27) :
if you and sh1 get back
M dit (01:27) :
will you still talk to brian secretly?
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
no need secretly
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
i tell him i talk to him
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
he needs to understand
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
to trust me
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
that im confident
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
to say i will never leave matth
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
and will keep rejecting brian's love
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
he said
ChrNo dit (01:28) :
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
that brian wouldn't just ruind or couple
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
he is stil afraid
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
one day
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
if i keep talking to brian
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
i will fall for him
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
it's just
ChrNo dit (01:29) :
lack of confidence in me
M dit (01:31) :
M dit (01:31) :
and trust
M dit (01:31) :
why would he use a keylogger on your email :P
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
jeez brian leave in USA XD
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
i don't see
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
how can he+me is possible lol
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
because i was hiding
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
he told me to stop tlking to brian
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
i thought it was unfait
ChrNo dit (01:31) :
ChrNo dit (01:32) :
so kept talking
ChrNo dit (01:32) :
you know at first
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
i was just sharing my crazyness about miya with him
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
he was the first miyawota i ever met
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
i was happy to share
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
and then
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
one day brian said
ChrNo dit (01:33) :
"i don't think we can be friends without miya, we are just so diff"
ChrNo dit (01:34) :
i never intended to risk my love with matth to get him like me XD
M dit (01:35) :
ChrNo dit (01:36) :
matth said
ChrNo dit (01:36) :
opening my heart
ChrNo dit (01:36) :
ChrNo dit (01:36) :
bulding wall
ChrNo dit (01:37) :
let him get closer
ChrNo dit (01:37) :
was my mistake
ChrNo dit (01:37) :
because i would told him my problms about matth
ChrNo dit (01:37) :
when i don't feel good
ChrNo dit (01:37) :
math said
ChrNo dit (01:38) :
"you are just so nice, too nice, you make people want to protect you, because a lot of bad things has hepepened to you, so there is no wonder, he fall for you"
M dit (01:40) :
ChrNo dit (01:40) :
thats why he said
ChrNo dit (01:41) :
"i warm you why don't you just go confess your problm to girls !!! just like tama, at least they wont fall for you"
ChrNo dit (01:41) :
M dit (01:41) :
M dit (01:41) :
but what if tama fell for you
M dit (01:41) :
would you leave sh1?
M dit (01:41) :
M dit (01:41) :
M dit (01:41) :
that's a diff story
ChrNo dit (01:42) :
indeed XD
ChrNo dit (01:42) :
ChrNo dit (01:42) :
there is no way tama fell for me
ChrNo dit (01:42) :
she said
ChrNo dit (01:42) :
she doesn't understand long relationship, and distance relaionship lol
M dit (01:43) :
ChrNo dit (01:44) :
would my story will inspire you again :P
ChrNo dit (01:44) :
about ryota, miya and yurina ?
ChrNo dit (01:44) :
the only diff here
ChrNo dit (01:44) :
brian didn't kiss me lol
ChrNo dit (01:44) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
M dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
i don't have feeling for him
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
you know
M dit (01:45) :
i was thinking of risako being a bitch when pretty boy came back
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
he is my type, because he is matth clone XD
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
they do
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
exactly the same XD
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
but i never saw a pic of brian
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
ChrNo dit (01:45) :
they both
ChrNo dit (01:46) :
wear glasses, bth have green eyes, both has their dad a cop
ChrNo dit (01:46) :
M dit (01:46) :
ChrNo dit (01:46) :
why would ri be a bitch Oo
Edited : Too Young spoilers
M dit (02:01) :
my friend wants to learn how to draw
M dit (02:01) :
so he can make h-doujin
M dit (02:01) :
that was the same reason i had before
M dit (02:01) :
ChrNo dit (02:02) :
duh xD
ChrNo dit (02:02) :
ChrNo dit (02:02) :
ChrNo dit (02:02) :
ChrNo dit (02:02) :
M dit (02:03) :
M dit (02:03) :
that's how mangakas start lol
ChrNo dit (02:04) :
all of them Oo ????
M dit (02:05) :
well most
M dit (02:05) :
M dit (02:05) :
like you
M dit (02:05) :
ChrNo dit (02:07) :
what like me ? XD
M dit (02:07) :
you wanted to draw h-doujin <_<
M dit (02:07) :
M dit (02:07) :
ChrNo dit (02:07) :
ChrNo dit (02:07) :
i love your pun XD
Vous avez envoyé un wizz.
ChrNo dit (02:08) :
you made it purpose !!!
ChrNo dit (02:08) :
to call him H !!!
ChrNo dit (02:08) :
M dit (02:09) :
not really
ChrNo dit (02:09) :
ChrNo dit (02:09) :
then H
Edited : NSFW
ChrNo dit (03:04) :
i think i should stop talk to brian for a while
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
he is just making things so complecate
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
and actin glike matth
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
making supposition about what i can do to them
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
in the future
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
matth thinks i will leave him for brian, and brian think i will stop talking to him
ChrNo dit (03:05) :
so both oth them wants me to promise
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
either i top talking to one brian or not
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
and they say
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
"i let you think about it"
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
a few minutes later
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
i feel so much pain
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
right now
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
and they keep
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
pushing me to make a decision
ChrNo dit (03:06) :
i can't handle it anymore
ChrNo dit (03:08) :
i should read momo's fic to change my mind
ChrNo dit (03:08) :
or i will just get into (emo)
M dit (03:08) :
M dit (03:08) :
read momo's fic
M dit (03:09) :
well if you're going to stop talking to brian
M dit (03:09) :
tell him in a good way
M dit (03:09) :
not like
M dit (03:09) :
'i dun want to talk to you bye'
ChrNo dit (03:10) :
i don't want to stop talking to him, because he said it will just break his heart, so talking to me is ok, that just this is ok, he doesn't wait for me to love him, so i can keep talking to him
M dit (03:11) :
he knows his boudaries now
M dit (03:11) :
so he's going to stop
M dit (03:12) :
just wait and don't rush him
M dit (03:12) :
getting heartbroken is hard to get over
ChrNo dit (03:13) :
he kept mentioning, that he wants us to friend, yet he keeps saying he doesn't want to buid back all his trust in me, and start to hide things, so how can this be continue like that, how can we go back to friend, he is keep mentioning that i m going to stop talking to him even if i tell him no
ChrNo dit (03:13) :
i'm not rushing anything, he is the one who wants me to promise him i won't stop talking to him
M dit (03:14) :
then tell him that you won't stop talking ot him after this is over
ChrNo dit (03:14) :
but i can't make promise i don't know if i can keep, because what matth wants is to stop talking to him
M dit (03:14) :
that will give him peace of mind
ChrNo dit (03:14) :
that is just lying cause i don't know what can happen tomorow, who knows, what can matth do
ChrNo dit (03:47) :
i feel so usuless
ChrNo dit (03:47) :
i'm hiding again
ChrNo dit (03:51) :
are you still there ?
ChrNo dit (03:51) :
i guess you are buzy
ChrNo dit (03:51) :
gomen for bothering you
ChrNo dit (03:51) :
have a nice day mike