Some People here,
can not see why i was doing this,
don't you think it meant : some one else doesn't get anything at all neither ?
there are others like you, that doesn't get it, but
Some Others can get it , don't you think the one who is trying to make THE ONLY ON HERE that should get it,
What does it means ?
That means that ONE, never got what it was there, never got from what it was, and never got what he might not get right now, that will be got,
and then
the one that was tryin hard, just found someone else,
to show one, that there is never someone, that can't get what it was proved .
if you keep erasing what the one want to prove
let me put that in the last log, if you may , because, it's something serious, but i don't name it, so i don't see why i can't get to post here, since a forum is made to be posted a post. Thank You for your com-pre-ronpretion
[20:52:53] Jérémy
[22:46:25] exenwhy a dit : toujours la ?
[22:46:50] Jérémy
[22:47:01] Jérémy
[22:47:10] Jérémy
[22:47:12] exenwhy a dit : because you understand when im good, you kno< hen im bad, and you will keep playing that game with me
[22:47:19] exenwhy a dit : even if you only see me once a year
[22:48:05] Jérémy
[22:48:06] Jérémy
[22:48:10] exenwhy a dit : donc
[22:48:12] exenwhy a dit : hhahha
[22:48:19] Jérémy
[22:48:24] exenwhy a dit : bah nen :p
[22:48:30] exenwhy a dit : parce que jai changer de perso entre temps lol
[22:48:32] exenwhy a dit : donc
[22:48:34] exenwhy a dit : tu vois au debut
[22:48:35] Jérémy
[22:48:39] exenwhy a dit : jai poster un autre truc
[22:48:40] Jérémy
[22:48:41] exenwhy a dit : mai ke en anglais
[22:48:43] exenwhy a dit : apres
[22:48:43] exenwhy a dit : forcement
[22:48:48] exenwhy a dit : yen a ca leur plai pas
[22:48:52] exenwhy a dit : dc bah je conntinu
[22:48:56] exenwhy a dit : et comem ta pu le voir
[22:48:58] exenwhy a dit : c encore la
[22:49:01] exenwhy a dit : et pourkoi ?
[22:49:11] Jérémy
[22:49:19] exenwhy a dit : parce que ce cretin a qui je veu fr comprendre que si je sais ce que je veu je finirai par montre koi ?
[22:50:16] Jérémy
[22:50:23] exenwhy a dit : oui a quoi ?
[22:50:42] Jérémy
[22:51:00] exenwhy a dit : et bah voil tas tout compri ^^
[22:51:26] Jérémy
[22:52:02] Jérémy
[22:52:12] exenwhy a dit : lessentiel : est dis des le debut : mais tu ne le voi pas, alors tu regarde tous les chemin proposer, tu ne voi pas: tu peu pas savoir ce que tu a vu ou pas : tu peu pas savoir quand estce quil y a une suite : et la ?
[22:53:01] Jérémy
[22:53:22] Jérémy
[22:53:33] Jérémy
[22:53:53] exenwhy a dit : et bah voila tu me montre encore que ta tout compris ^^
[22:54:49] Jérémy
[22:55:12] Jérémy